How do we worship God as we use our gifts? Three ways to consider
At NextGen North 2023, Adam Young, associate minister at All Saints' Church in North Ferriby near Hull, explored the theme ‘Gifted for God’s Glory’. He shared some really helpful principles for discerning how God might use and the gifts he gives us in his global plan.
In part 1, Adam considered four principles that help us discover the gifts God has given us. Here he explores how we can move from knowing we have these gifts, to using them as an act of worship, part of giving our ‘bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God’ (Romans 12:1).
1. Do it in God’s strength
Writing about gifts, the apostle Peter says: ‘whoever serves’, should serve ‘as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.’ (1 Peter 4:11).
Whatever you do, whether it is preaching, administration, music, running, painting or computer programming, do it consciously in the power and strength of God. Remind yourself to rely on him and look to him, even in the mundane, everyday tasks of life.
Nothing is too mundane for God to want to be involved in, from clearing your emails to preparing a talk for church.
As Peter says, this reliance on God glorifies him. So how might you remind yourself to rely on God as you use the gifts he gives?
2. Do it to the glory of God
Whatever you do, do it well, steward the gift, grow the gift, and do something good with it.
As Peter writes in the same passage, our gifts are something God entrusts us with. We are to be ‘good stewards of God's varied grace’ (1 Peter 4:10).
What does that look like? I love this quote, commonly attributed to the reformer Martin Luther:
“The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”
Remember that simply doing a good job can glorify God.
3. Do it to serve others
Peter introduces his discussion of gifts writing, ‘As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another…’ (1 Peter 4:10)
Our gifts are not for our own benefit or praise. We are to serve each other and help each other. It isn’t just about serving at the front of church, it is about serving people and people are everywhere. So how could you use your gifts to serve others?
To think about:
What does it mean to do all things in the strength of God for you in your context?
In what ways could your gifts and talents build up and serve the body of Christ?
Next steps
Explore these questions together with trusted friends at your church
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